Building A Fire: Create Massive Momentum And Huge Paychecks For Your Business!

On this broadcast, Dani will equip you with a vital tool for building momentum and duplication in your business that will result in exponential growth. Discover how to "light a fire" so your prospects start making money immediately and get on a path to grow a solid residual income. You need to know and understand this if you plan on building a successful long-term business. Listen today!

Topics Include:

  • How to turn your horrible month into your best month ever, even if you only have three days left
  • 3 secrets to immediate action in your team
  • How to leverage the work you do every day to make others work harder
  • Use this duplicable system and remove yourself from managing a huge team
  • How to free yourself from depending on someone else for your future
  • What you can do to turn your dead contacts into your top producers
  • How you can build a fire to ignite your business

[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Yearly”] To download this audio as part of your Pro Membership, click here. [/memb_has_any_tag]

Comments 16

  1. Wow–my bootay is officially on fire….AND, I like it. Oh, by the way, firewood/log prop–FANTASTIC! It makes soooo much sense. Thank you so much!

    AWESOMELY awesome message. God bless you Dani, and the DJC crew. You guys rock!!!

  2. WOW! As an emerald, it is important for me to see the “BIG PICTURE”. With the live video I get to see everything in action and it makes it a lot easier to understand. Thanks Dani and the DJC Team! God bless and Have a great day!

  3. Dani, I have been in our industry for nearly 30 years. Of all the trainers I have every experienced, including ‘Mark and Larry’, 🙂 🙂 … YOU are without a doubt the MOST IMPACTFUL of them all.

    And regarding your live video stream of your Monday night call … well it is the MOST POWERFUL upgrade to training our industry has ever had! It is even better than ‘unlimited long distance!’ 🙂 🙂 If possible, please do more and more ‘live feeds.’ … and I am expecting in the near future you will offer us FSTS ‘live and in person’ OR via ‘live feed’. Naturally the BEST experience is to be there in person … but .. 🙂 🙂

  4. I cannot believe the deal that everyone who did not attend First Steps to Success got!!! If they missed this call then they just missed out on increasing their income this month!!! You have gone way beyond what anyone could expect with the video, the drawing, burning wood!!!!! I could never hear that script enough times, it gets better every time and you always remember something that you used to make it better! Thanks for always sharing everything you know and giving us all your best secrets!!!! Thanks Dani!

  5. This is was awesome call!! I love you Dani. You are a dream come true for many of us who has a strong desire to succeed by helping other’s reach success. You have the perfect formula to create result out of “thin air” and that’s powerfull yet simple. There is no excuse for anyone to quit their business and kill their dreams, now that you have provided one of the missing link that will restore the entreprenuer spirit and passion, especially in those business owners who has been in the industry for many years and can’t get people to take action. I truely believe Dani has a heart to help people and their is “NO ONE” like Dani out there! I don’t know what other’s say about Dani, Hans and their team, all I know is….I will never work with anyone, unless they go to her first…period end of story!

  6. Hello Dani,

    I’m very interest in going to a first step to success seminar when you come to Saint Louis, MO. I will be the first one to come to your class because you can say out loud Jesus/ God around a group of people you don’t know and they listen to what you are saying. This techique is very different which can build on the weakens and strengths that people have but do not know how to use it. Thank you and the member who invited me to your website for this enlightening lesson in life. I know now to stop sending the hard earned money my husband earns on things we can only use maybe one time. You have opened up my eye and moviated me to call the person back to see if she wants me on her team to help me to make money like her and her husband. I want to help my husband by bring in some money also.
    I also believe in God, so I know this will help the process go very well.

  7. This is the frist time iv’e listen and watched the web cast. I have listen to over 30 hours of archived calls on your site and I’m a frist step to success grad and my close rate before was 1 out of 10 to 4-5 out of 10. I will continue to plug in to the free calls and the live events and bring and grow my team. Thanks Dani, I’m fired-up from the training information on tonights web cast. Roger M. Utah

  8. Thank you Dani for your call tonight. It was awesome and I learned a lot but I will have to listen to it several more times before I really understand it. I have a question: You tell several people that you are looking for leaders to give “Bob” to and they say “okay, I’m in” and they meet your conditions, do you then transfer Bob to their organization or do you keep Bob yourself and the technique simply lights their fire to bring their own people in. Is that really honest because it sounds like you are promising to put someone that you personally signed up in their organization under them as if they signed “Bob”? Or perhaps I don’t really understand the technique? I will keep going back to listen over and over, but could you please explain it more to me? I would LOVE to attend First Steps To Success in Dallas, but right now that is impossible – unless God gives me a miracle.
    Thank You,

  9. Thanks so much Dani! This call was absolutely awesome. Being able to watch you on the web is fantastic. This call has lit a fire under me to reach out to my people and share you with them. You make it so simple to follow that I know I have to walk,crawl,and run during these last few months of this year. I thank you for helping me get back on track and putting my focus where it needed to be.

  10. Great GREAT GREAT CALL and Webcast. Done deal got the $9.00 Audio now HANS HANS HANS get this rebroadcasted for video or whatever and lets get these webcast avaiable to watch again.


    Phillip and Falesha LeBlanc
    “The 6 Figure Entrepre-Networker’s
    Who Retired in their 20’s”

    See you guys in Dallas

  11. Is it possible to get what she just did on a script. Also are they going to record this webcast so I can watch it/listen to it later?

  12. Hi Dani,
    I use a broadcast service to send my message to about 1,000 per day. I am getting 6-10 call backs, getting 4-6 to conference call and closing 1-2 per day. Is using this broadcasting soft ware a good tool to use?

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