How To Go From Failure To Superstar Status!

Everyone wants to know the secrets of climbing up from the bottom to the top – and Dani’s newest Webcast, “Go from Failure to Superstar Status in Record Time” will show you not only how to do that – but how to do it quickly!

Dani shares millionaire success strategies that will work for any industry or in any economy. Even if you don’t know what you want to do with your life and are just looking for greater purpose and inspiration, or even if you’ve made that crucial decision to start over from the bottom – this is one Dani Johnson training call you do not want to miss.

Dani Johnson was the featured guest millionaire on ABC’s second season premiere of “Secret Millionaire,” and has recently made guest appearances on “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” “The View” and “Good Morning America.” And Dani knows what she speaks of: Raised on welfare, pregnant at 17 and homeless at 21, Dani became a millionaire at 23 – and knows what it is to start from the bottom, overcome adversity and rise to the top. So set aside an hour of your time, and plug into her latest Webcast, “Go from Failure to Superstar Status in Record Time” right now – it’s a prime opportunity for you and your team to learn how to duplicate her success in your life.

You can’t win if you don’t listen! Check it out now by clicking on the player below!

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Comments 19

  1. I’ve been out of work for two years after the automotive word went into a tail spend, but was lucking to have had my own business running designing t-shirts, with whole sale and retail sells with my daughter. It was working good because I was the behind the seen person, who liked designing, coming up with ideals, building and designing booths for trade shows, accounting and grand children while my daughter was the up front person.
    Due to several issues and much money I have decided to step down and hand everything over to her because things were getting in the way of family, and there’s nothing worth that. I came from no family until I had my two girls which I raised by my self, no child support and worked sometimes 3 jobs just to keep our heads above water. No hard feelings, a hugh money loss on my part, but time to move forward.
    I started with a new ideal and ran with it with money from tax time, and was scammed out of every dime. So you can see why at this point when I get excited about an ideal and do my research and put it together, I then take 10 steps backwards.
    I’ve read your book watched your videos, and stayed in the word hoping to here that loud voice of direction. I have a very creative mind and think of many things to pursue, but cold feet and fear lock in at this point, because I have no more room for failure.
    I am having difficulty organizing what kind of a business I want to pursue which needs to be one I can do and make my own hours because of the help that is needed with the grandchildren. I know that once I figure out what I want to do, I will be very successful! How do I go about figuring out what type of business I want to pursue and nurture to success? How do I organize my thoughts and focus on narrowing down and developing my ideas? You mention, start with what’s in front of me…And right now there is nothing left in front of me other then great dreams and ideals that are locked in my head and take money to produce. Where do I go from here would be the greatest answer of all times. Do you have a product that people are jumping on and having great success??????

  2. Shall I, & many others continue, anticipating any results, that shall transform our lives ? I’m overanxious, or what ? I’ve been listening to my parents, & many others, who have been becoming fed-up, & tiered, with my hearing those other people. ( on the Internet, and around town.) I’m simply asking them, to assist myself, and I’m feeling as though, if they may help myself, then we maybe able to make ( new ads & ) commercials to boost their profits ! ( I’m hearing all this, though not seeing any results.)

  3. I just signed up with an awesome health and wellness business, praying that I can start online nutrition classes soon and start doing wellness seminars. There is so much I want to teach people that would be to help them in their health and help them fix things that they have been lied about from the medical world. I prophesied more than 10 yrs ago that my family would have a big house with lots of windows and I will pay the last note on it in June! It is 31 hundred some odd sq.ft. So I have also been prophesying for several months of millionaire status now!!! Have lots that I want to do, and lots of money needed to do some things! Praying for all those who are in need of anything to prosper. Pray for others needs and the Lord will help you in your need!

  4. Hi Dani
    I have been introduce to you some years now. I forget how. But I am at place in my life that I am able to listen and God has me in a place exactly where I will listen. I formely taught in public school for the last ten years. I have always wanted to make my life useful and help others. I was recently laid off 2010. i had started a part time venture that I am now working and I am listening to your training to help build my skill level and success. I just listen in on how to go from failure to superstar in record time. I have wrote down the five points you made and have already started to apply them. For example, looking at my business as a multi million dollar biz that it is and using my faith to walk it out. Keep doing what you doing!!

  5. Thank you for the tip of increasing your faith by watching testimonials as well as asking my boss about what things in me do I need to change? My employers is also my sister, so this is going to be a difficult task for me. I am not wanting to fall behind, and know I must change. I am tired of no decision being my decision for too long! Thank you for assisting me to jump over the fence, and not look back!

  6. Dear Dani,
    I can’t thank you enough. Thank you for your generosity. Please pray that the holy spirit will give me witty ideas on how I can come to all your meetings for my son and I. This is not an option it is a must. I want to learn from someone who loves God the way you and Hans does. Plese Jesus show me favor despite my lack. Give me increase so I can go and learn how to succeed. Help me get out of poverty mentality. All things are possible with you Jesus. I believe in faith that this prayer of agreement is answered. Heal my mind Lord from the past. Thank you Dani and thank you Jesus for today. Dani I thank God that I sat and listened to you today despite the fact that everthing in me said why do you keep on listening? Jesus is Lord Dani and I believe in faith that one day I will get to thank you in person for my victory which is to be a blessing to others.

  7. Such great content! This same information has helped me develop 5 new business partners this past december where everyone is holiday mode and we are already registerd for First Steps To Success in Dallas.Every monday its like a shot of inspriation to fuel my week and go take action!

    Thank You Dani!

  8. I recently saw you on Oprah and I am just so inspired by you and ordered your books and also your training book and cds! I am separated after 31 years of marriage and my husband has been unemployed now for 2 1/2 years. I am very creative and have always wanted my own business, however, I am having difficulty organizing what kind of a business I want to pursue and also have no funds to put towards starting up a business for myself. I know that once I figure out what I want to do, I will be very successful! How do I go about figuring out what type of business I want to pursue and nurture to success? How do I organize my thoughts and focus on narrowing down and developing my ideas?

    1. Hi Linda, I know just how you feel. I am recently divorced
      after 31yrs of marriage and it is hard. One income is very low compared to my former husbands salary. I have just found Dani & I can’t wait to hear all her video’s & CD’s. She is very inspiring & builds you up & cheers you own. Good luck with any new venture you choose.

  9. Good Mam,

    I always keep looking in the you tube your information material because i’m really in financial difficulty. I love to subscribe the material you always promoted but sad to say I’m not able to buy it because my income is very limited.

    My name is Jundel Abiera from the Philippines, 32, married and have 3 kids..I love to watching your video that make me holding still to make my life improve. At present I’m currently a rank in file employee whose longing to be good leader and helping my family and others to be financially freedom.

    Thank you for your time in reading my message.

    God Bless and more power.

    1. Find something you love doing or brings you satisfaction while doing it. Check out direct sellers association. There are informational docuements on how to select a business. Start praying by asking for God’s direction and wisdom seek ye first the kingdom and all will be added onto you. This is key God will direct you.

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