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Category Archive

Below you'll find a list of all “Pro Members” content.

Overcoming Your Biggest Road Block To Success!

Tonight, Dani will get your excuses out of the way, answering every objection and showing you EXACTLY what it takes to STEP ACROSS THE LINE and become a 2%-er!!! This call is so powerful that you need to get every one of your prospects as well as your entire team to listen ASAP! If you are sick and tired of …

A Year Full Of Excuses Or Results?

Tonight, Dani talks what will you do to ensure that you will make this your best year. Dani will give you specific steps that you can take starting today that will make this year better than any other! Are you going to make this another year of excuses or a year of results? Don’t wait… take action now! What determines …

How to Close Out The Year Strong!

Tonight, Dani shows you how to close out December with a bang and make next year your year ever! Tonight’s call is FULL of so much vital information. Dani answers more questions from members. This call is excellent and will really help you get to the next level in your business and make next year amazing! Topics include: How …

Strategies To Finish Your Year On Top!

Tonight’s call will give you a ton of things that you can do to end 2006 with a bang! Hear specific tips from Dani on how to start your new people, keep them on the right track and keep going through next year. Learn how you can change a few things that can make you millions next year!

Specific Strategies For The Holiday Season!

Tonight Dani talks about specific strategies to explode your business through the holiday season. How you can get over the obstacles that get in your way, get focused, and close this year with your biggest numbers! How you can turn obstacles into opportunity! Learn five different ways for your people to enhance their skills and increase their check immediately!

5 Simple Steps to Start Right and Stay Right

Tonight Dani talks about 5 simple steps to get your team started and keep them on the right track. Learn how to handle objections from new people after they get started in your team. Dani role plays with some of her most successful students, giving specific examples on how to deal with some common objections. Learn how to increase retention …

How To Overcome Fear In All Areas Of Your Life

Tonight Dani talks about specific steps that you can take to overcome fear in all areas of your life, increasing your success to amazing levels! Topics Include: 11 steps into helping you overcome fear and how to apply them today How to overcome the plague of fear One question to ask yourself to know whether you will make it in …

Duplication: The Very Effective 3 Meeting Plan

Tonight Dani tells you five steps to building a profitable home based business. Whatever it is that you do, whatever your market is this call will get you at the core! Topics include: Five basic steps that you must know if you want to build a profitable business What must NEVER be in your initial contact with any prospect How …

9 Steps To Have Your Best Month

Tonight Dani talks about 9 steps you can take to make this month your best, and how you can make the next three months more prosperous than ever! Topics include: What is the gift that you have that costs nothing but means everything? Four things that will shape your career if you implement them NOW What do you need to …