How To Make This Month Better Than Last Month

Tonight Dani asks an important question: How are you going to make this month better than last month? How are you going to make this month better than May last year? Dani goes over 8 points to make this month the best month ever!

Topics Include:

  • What goal can you set that will make May better than April?
  • Why is it important to set goals?
  • How should you set your goals to achieve them
  • What will happen to you this month if you do not set a plan
  • Once you set your goal, then what?
  • Do you want to succeed or not?
  • What area in your business do you need to improve this month?
  • What personal development area you are going to improve on this month?
  • What area can you improve with your spouse or your children?
  • How will you make it worth it?

Comments 58

  1. Excellent call – how nice to get very specific and actionable steps I can implement immediately on goals. I also appreciate the energy and enthusiasm of the message – needed encourgement that failure is not an option!

  2. Fantastic Information and a real drive in a forward direction to take control of now, and improve future goals, brushing aside all excuses that would hold me back from achieving
    the desired prospects

  3. I thank God for you, you refuse to allow us to become mediocre, normal, or average. You put the right blaze of fire under me. Right at the moment of a (slump moment) which I permitted, I canceled procrastination and listened and your voice of wisdom, and explosive excitement, committed me to my own commitment of putting excusses to death and ulogizing it, burying it, and no matter what, be diligent, discipline, and dedicated in all my God given pursuits. Thank YOU!!!!!

  4. Honestly, I haven’t been consistently plugged into your site but felt I needed to listen. I dialed in and WOW! A road map and a purposeful direction. Thank you for helping me bring the focus back to where it should always be. With my goals and actions written into my daily schedule I don’t feel so overwhelmed! I’m glad my path was guided into your direction. Divine intervention NO DOUBT! You are a constant reminder of the woman I have always wanted to be. Thank you so much words can not express how your guidance has given me back my life and the confidence, which was so lacking that I stopped my business for 2 years, to accomplish everything not only in my business but in my family as well. I’m moving forward to create the life my family and I want!

  5. Dani, this is my first time listening to you and you really hit me in the face about the goals I need to address for starting my business. I really enjoyed your seminar and look forward to more encouraging words. They will really help motivate me to get started the right way. Thank you. Terry Bryant

  6. Dear Dani, What a blessing you are, I been plug in with you since February 8, 2008. Everyday I go and do your website. I met you at my very First Steps to Success and my Lord I thank God for being there. This weekend I order the Script Book and Spiritual Driven Success. I will be ordering your leads marketing Monday. I will be asking Tom for help I know he is busy. I also putting you get out of debt program in place. This call was so amazing I fell in my spirit that I running out of time. I want May to be the best of my journey in my business a new start it has not been going that good but I have so FAITH I have some help from your expertise. My goal for this month is PROSPECTING for new blood. From the bottom of my heart I thank God for sending you to me. My goal to get three of my people or who I know working this business with me to the next First Step to personally meet you. I will be selling my crystal, Norman Rockwell figurines and to buy your leads I want this May,June,July to be the best in my entire Life of a new beginning I was sent a expert and a Child of God, you are anointed and I want my Pastor to get to is First Step and the man I going to marry he was the one to make my trip to Chicago,IL possible. I am so excited, I made a bad financial decision and that why I will not be able to make Dynasty I will be to the one in November if God permitting. I will be targeting to get in your Prospecting class and closings classing. I might not have the money now. But it will not be that for long. I am so excited because I have a goal and a plan to get it this was a call for goal setting. Thank You from my heart and thank God for sending you to me. Everyone that I brought in not many I took them to your website to learn. I did not ask them to do something I did not do. Be bless you and Han and your family.

    Love Barbara Denise Raglin

  7. Dani, is it really possible to build a dynasty right from home, building a home based business strictly from home. dayna

  8. My only question – How Did You Know? How did you know this is exactly what I needed to hear? AND you gave me the actual steps to accomplish what I want? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I can’t wait for Dynasty! I will be celebrating with you on May 31st!

  9. As usual, Dani just jumped in my face, shook me by the collar and told me “get it togther!”. I’ve been slacking off and been feeling sluggish about my business and was getting of track in reaching my goals. I know God’s been dealing with me about finishing the race but I kept taking pit stops along the way to get lattes. O.K. God, I hear you and I’m getting down to business!

    Thanks Dani and Hans! I love u guys

  10. WOW! How did you know I needed this call so much? The “land of excuses” has had a powerful hold in the past. Thank you for showing me how I can break through the border to the land of “Nothing is stopping me”! Thankyou.

  11. Thank you Dani, this call was amazing…I felt really down in the dumps and this call really made me think about things and I’am going for it…thanks to you!

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