How To Prosper In Life & Grow Your Business

Tonight, Dani talks about what you should be doing during this time of year to grow your business and prosper your life and end the year with a bang!

Topics include:

  • How what you focus on changes your life
  • Why are you building your business and how you can affect the world
  • Eight points to increase your success in life and your business
  • How to tell if you are spending your time wisely in growing your business
  • What should you be spending your time doing
  • How your thoughts affect your success every day
  • What does it take to build a Dynasty?
  • What you should do every day to condition your life towards success
  • How to encourage your team and increase your group’s sales now
  • Your life will not change until you …


Comments 15

  1. What a gift to hear the Lord through your words. Astounding motivation. I listened to you tonite and the facts are what they are. We can make more money in our home based business than to ever make $60K in one year at a regular job. You were right on when you stated that most people are making $30K or thereabouts at a regular job. I so want to fire my boss and work from home. I have a burning desire to learn this trade and work my business and yes, why not, make $10K plus a month. I will invest in training with you. Just waiting for the checks to come in any day.

  2. Dani, The other folks who have already posted comments about this call literally took the words out of my mouth, as I was in the same boat as I listened to your call on Mon. evening. As a result of your encouragement, I gave an assignment to myself, my lovely wife, and 4 of our beautiful children that are old enough to write / to write down at least 10 things we are Thankful for by noon on Thanksgiving Day (The assignment must be done if we wish to partake in the Thanksgiving Dinner). I already have 12 on my list. One of the things on my list of ThanksGiving is; I am Thanking God for putting a leader like you in the forefront of an all-volunteer Army in which anyone and everyone has the opportunity to advance and be promoted at whatever rate we feel like being promoted, and when & where we feel like being promoted. God bless you and your team, and keep up the pace!

  3. Wow Dani! The message on this monday night call, November 19, 2007, was wake up call for us all-to give of ourselves. To give to those in need, and to be less selfish and self-centered. Whether it be to give to people who are homeless and hungry, or to our family members that are dissatisfied with their current situations, or even to ourselves if we are feeling or being negitive with our thoughts. Even on my worst day I still have soooo much to be thankful and grateful for and I give God all of the praise and glory for without him I would be nothing and have nothing. I pray you and you family have a truely blessed Thanksgiving-I know you will : )

  4. For the past few weeks I’ve been listening to your training and reading your scripts and I feel like I am on my way to Success. This call (like all of your calls and training) reminds me of what is truly important in business and in life. I have this great desire to become truly successful and because of your words and training I know that I am on my way to fulfilling my true potential. You have certainly changed my life. Thank you so very much.

  5. Hi Dani, my name is Anna and I am very new at this kind of industry – never had been selling before and has no people skill but from deep of my heart I wish to learn your theory. I just looked your website today and I think you are doing amazing job but my dear I has no idea where to start … Will you be able to lead me through help me with idea how to start with home base business and what is most important when you start.
    I live at Australia at Sydney – will you ever come over to visit our country and run your seminars here also… Anna

  6. Thanks, Dani!!! What a way to begin the Holiday Season! I really needed this call. Since I am sooo looking forward to Dynasty next weekend, I am doing everything in my power to follow you and God to focus on all of the positives.

    You are Blessed by Him, and that all comes through in everything that you say. My “grateful” list grows every hour…I really feel blessed to have you in my life.

  7. Wowzer! Ok, as soon as you started to speak I felt something major coming over me, and I knew by the end of your call, that THIS is going down as a classic on the archives. This is the NEW Aug 29th call! 🙂
    I have already seen fruit this very day from that call. You have always told us the INSIDE game affects the OUTSIDE game, and 90% of our personal growth in this business is what is rattling around in our heart and in our minds. It has been and important practicein our home having an attitude of grattidue, but we was needing to bring my children AGAIN to a reminder of this from His Word.
    Thank you Dani for taking us to a place that is so much BIGGER than US, our MC payment, or our next debt to pay off. There is an entire world of people lost, hurting, searching for a way. Its what makes the difference for me everyday when I go to pick up that phone!
    May God ABUNDANTLY bless the works of your hands. We appreciate you Hans, Dani, and the entire DJ staff!
    Press On!
    Monica Tubbs

  8. Wow Dani! Talk about a well needed kick in the pants. I had to say “ouch” instead of “amen” to the reality of it all. I felt like you had spend the last two days with me up close and personal. I know it was the Lord using your voice to call out some very wrong thinking patterns that had been going on! Thanks for hearing the call and calling it out! It is so easy to forget that the things we are fighting to change didn’t come over night but I expect the corn to grow over night. Thanks for jumping off the call early to have us make that list. Since that message was totally for me, I spent 45 minutes making a list of 4 pages of things that I am grateful for. I figured I needed to cancel out all the wrong ungrateful thoughts that had been floating around the past few days. May the Lord continue to use and bless your work!

  9. Thank you Dani for an great call tonight. You helped me realize what I should be thankful for and to write them down on a daily basis. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for what we have and to give to the less fortunate.

  10. Dani, I thank you. Your words truely touched me and gave me the wake up call I needed. GOD gave me the opportunity and you provided the tools. Thank you

  11. Dani, I am not sure how you overheard my conversation with my husband and with God but you did. I was so discouraged and really feeling down. I felt like it was just you and me on the phone tonight. You spoke to my needs. You really did “hit me between the eyes” with the truth. I cried through the whole call knowing that God does really care about me and my business. The point is not how fast I win the race but that I win! I will continue stepping out in faith! Thank you for giving of yourself in this way!

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