Overcoming Your Biggest Road Block To Success!

Tonight, Dani will get your excuses out of the way, answering every objection and showing you EXACTLY what it takes to STEP ACROSS THE LINE and become a 2%-er!!! This call is so powerful that you need to get every one of your prospects as well as your entire team to listen ASAP! If you are sick and tired of settling for mediocrity and worrying about your future? Listen to this call today to get over your excuses and explode your business today!


Comments 58

  1. I took in the double header last night.
    The results were as follows.
    1.I was physically healed and able to go to work today, sinus and bronchitis.
    2. I was happy and for the first time in years; I felt like myself.
    3. I remembered when with 5 kids, working 12 hours shifts on a surgical floor, I coached the T ball team my 2 youngest sons were on. All these chicldren wanted to be stars and play first base or pitch.
    I assigned positions and taught them to throw the ball into the glove of the person they aimed at.
    They learned the basics and stayed in position. . We never lost a game and in tournamenst I could pull the centre field to first base and they knew the basics, and won everthing.
    I do not feel like a looser today, and I am ready to learn these skills. Thanks Dani

  2. After listening to this call, I realize that I have to change my mindset in order to succeed. Thank you for telling me like it is and not sugarcoating. It was like you were speaking directly to me. I am determined more than ever to make this year my year of completion. Continue to avail yourself for God to use you to help others.

  3. Dani, i just signed on as a pro member and i want to thank you for this Monday night training tape, i will not miss another. i had an excuse not to go to texas but will not have one for LA. Thank you for the mission that you have accepted, you are truly on purpose. When i heard that you said that as a coach you can not be a friend..i am thinking that maybe that is my problem to the people that signed on with me..Now i want to learn to be the coach that they need..for them to get what they have said that they want to have in life but is not working on it. .still working on me first, Sandra J. Quarles, Columbia MD

  4. WOW well done Dani, you dont pull any punches and it is EXACTLY what we all need. Keep going you guys have changed my life and so has First Steps. thankyou from us all over here in Australia

  5. Brilliant as usual. You mentioned someone from the UK and I suspect that was me. I would love to attend one of your seminars – I know you will call this an excuse but I am a single mother of a delightful daughter with special needs and no support. Do you have creches at your seminars? If so, I’ll be there!

  6. I want to buy the 10 CD’s from North Carolina and another couple of CD’s from your site. I live in The Netherlands (Europe). I wonder if it is possible to buy the different products at once and have them shipped to me in one package instead of having to pay the sixty something dollars Fedex transportation twice or even more times for each product seperately. Then I have this other question too. What is the price of the supplemental script book? I would like to know this to decide to buy it or not.
    Can somebody at Dani’s operation give me answers on these questions please?

  7. Dear Dani,
    I just listened to the Monday, Jan. 29 call. My heart sank. Yes, the call was great, but I’m afraid I’m in the 98% and not the 2%. I don’t know how to get out.
    How to do I get into the other group?
    I desperately want to go to First Steps in L. A., but my wife is opposed. She doesn’t see the value, but she’s never listened to you either. I’ve had a home business now for about a year, and I’ve spent a lot more money than I’ve made. I’m discouraged. I know what I need to do. I need to do what you spelled out on the call.
    Please pray that God will open my wife’s eyes to all we are missing. Please pray that I will step up.
    In Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen, and bless you always!

  8. Thank you, Dani, for believing in me and for giving me the confidence, desire and belief in myself to make this year MY year of completion. Thank you for helping me to see beyond my excuses and to determine in my heart that NOW is my time, NOW is the time I must act, NOW I need to take that “mustard seed” of faith I have in myself and make it grow. And by God’s grace, I will.

  9. Dani,
    Man, it is just like peeling an onion! Just when you think you have next-ed all your excuses….you find another that rears it’s ugly head! Thank you for continuing to expose these to us, so that we will NOT SETTLE for a life of mediocrity! Thank you for believing in us, and investing yourself in us! Thank you all at Danijohnson.com!
    Monica Tubbs

  10. WOW, Thank you Dani for sharing your passion and belief with the world! I have been in business for over 26 years and have NEVER ran across someone who GAVE so much and had the track record to prove their success!
    I am excited to have you share with my team and we are planning for March in Las Angelos!
    Thanks again!

  11. Dani,
    Please give us more talks where you are NOT plugging Steps to Success. How about doing calls on calling leads, prospecting advertising websites sizzle calls?

  12. Wow! Wow! Wow! That gift is crazy! That call was intense, thanks for kicking my butt! I loved the point for point examples that you gave…it really helped us apply those responses to out lives, recognize what’s wrong so we can change it! Thank you!

  13. Hey Dani,

    All of your calls are wonderful. All of your advice and training is great. I was recently at First Steps in Dallas, and was that great!! Before going to this I had on and off worked my business, no training, no skills, no results. Spent thousands on leads, no results. Duh!!
    First got connected to you in November 06, and have the script books, both of them now, and every cd you offer (not the dvd). Since coming home from Dallas I have made 463 calls and still no results. I am beyond desparate with this, because (i have multiple reasons) the biggest reason, I do not want to have to go and get another job and trade my time for peanuts. I don’t know what the heck I am doing, not doing, but I am going nuts, and sick of crying hoping my husband does not find out how much I have spent trying to make this business work.
    I pray that you get some insight on this and are able to help me with what ever it is that is totally bankrupting me.

    God Bless

  14. Dani,
    Last night was truly what I needed. It felt like you were talking to me, full of excuses. I loved it. Powerful.
    I ordered the supplemental script book tonight. How do I find out about a private coaching call from you??

    I would love to take you up on the free coaching call but I don’t have anyone in my group that wants the business!! It would be just me, if you will do that??
    Thanks a million,
    Devora Cohen

  15. Wow! What a gift. It says so much about you to offer your time and expertise so sacrifically to help us be successful. We do not take it lightly and are rising up to a new level and are following directions.

    My phone and emails were buzzing with my team begging to make sure we participate in the Feb. training.


  16. After arriving back from our first event at First Steps in Dallas, we enjoyed the Jan 29, 2007 training call. It was a direct and inspiring call to action.

    Thanks Dani! We are looking forward to L.A.

    Mary & Dale Barnes, IN

  17. NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!!!!! I am so ready for this. I realized that I cannot afford to have any excuses and that’s how I’ve been working my business ever since I came out of my First Steps seminar in Dallas and wow. To tell you the truth, I’ve known about these Monday night calls for over three months now and I’ve not once attended them live. Coming out of First Steps and Hans saying that there’s something about getting that information right as Dani is talking live is different from listening to them weeks later. Uh, yeah, now I know. doy. What power and energy. It’s reverberating still in me. Thank you for helping me transform myself, my thinking, my attitude Dani. You’re beautiful. Praise God!

  18. Dani,

    Thank you for the uplifting call. I just recently reapplied myself. The new website you have is what I been waiting for and that is Structure. Something for me to follow. I am doing the listening the audios for 30days and will sign up to be Pro. Only I am doing something a little different. I will go pro on 2/1 while I am in my 30 days. I am tired of living off this Social Insecurity. Thanks

  19. Wow, Wow and another Wow!!! Please put that call on the free member archived call list and make a C.D. of it. I have all of your tools and have been to many of your seminars and last nights call brought me back to what I feel like at your seminars. I feel like I can conquer any fears and excuses. I want to listen to that call over and over again. I spoke to a team member after your call and she was on fire like I have never heard in her voice before. I have been a slow grower in my business, but no longer! No more excuses! As I am writing you this note I am almost in tears how grateful I am to know you believe in us and when you said you loved us I felt the spirit of God’s love coming from your words. Thank you Dani, Hans and all the danijohnson.com team!

  20. WOW!!!!!! I brought 3 of my family members ont he call and it is funny to see how different we really are. I got so much from your call I listened to every word you had to say. The more i listen to you the more i see excusses for failure all around me. Thank you for helping “GET OVER” mine.

    Michelle Godon Ontario Canada

  21. Dani had her “Fighting Gloves” on tonight! She was fighting for our future! Coming from a life of programming for failure-working to be perfect or living in apathy as though things really don’t matter- it’s an amazing gift to have a coach who FIGHTS for my future, my calling and my life! Thank you Dani for teaching the truth! For preaching the truth and truly being on a mission to set people free! I have made a declaration tonight to walk as you do- to say things that most will not say but know they need to hear; to go places that most won’t enter into but most know they need to visit. May God give back to you one hundred fold for your courage, your belief and your passion for all of us!

  22. Dani,

    What a blessing you are and thank you for letting Him work through you. Your call tonight was so inspiring and convicting. I am looking forward to getting rid of the excuses and stretching myself to a new level. May God give you much strength in this year of completion and help an army of people throw off their excuses and move forward.

  23. Dani,
    I listened to your call a couple of hours ago, and then I tried to go to sleep. The words of Faith, Action, and Growth, keeping going through my mind. I have been procrastinating for over 4 years. I KNOW I have the real deal, but I have been unable to get over myself. I can no longer hide behind my fear, I have an obligation to overcome my needs and focus on others. I want to step up and be accountable to my God and my family for my actions or lack of actions. Thanks for reminding me of what my responsibility is and how to go out and achieve what I am suppose to do.

    You inspire me always.

  24. Hi Dani and Hans! Tonight’s call was just AWESOME! I love your passionate spirit. It makes me want to get up of my rear and do something! I have purchased and listened to many of your tools and calls and am no where near where I want to be in my business or who I want to be as a person. I want to be a 2%er but I do and say things that a 98%er says. I listen and learn. Then I don’t implement and practice. I let fear stand in my way. Excuses. I personally need to listen to that call about 5 times a day in hopes that I CAN get out of my own way. Because I am not giving up! So if you’d want to put it on CD, I’d love to buy the first copy. Thanks Dani. For who you are and what you’re about. You overcame great challenges in your life to help touch the lives of so many others, and you are doing an awesome job. And thank you also, for leading me back to God. He sent my director in answer to numerous prayers. She sent me to you. And you made me want to seek after and know him. I have much to be grateful for and you have helped me to realize that. God Bless You Dani.

  25. Dani…Tonight was the ULTIMATE HAT PIN IN THE BUTT!!! The BEST call about excuses, and exposing what is hindering one from stepping up to take action and being a 2 %er. SUCCESS IS getting results !!! ….and, YES…….I personally am tired of not having success in many areas of my life including creating an enormous business.
    I appreciate that you are so committed to show people how to build a business and BE professional. You LUVVVVVVVVV US!!! You care about what I become. You are anointed..and have great passion. Your story is the most compelling one I have ever heard. It moves me deeply because of what you have become.
    I feel privileged to be a part of ALLLL that you bring to the table. You are my coach, and have also brought me to be walking and living in alignment with the Spirit more often. I am very grateful to have you in my life showing me the way to freedom….the TRUTH.
    It’s about FAITH, BELIEF AND TAKING ACTION….Praise God!

  26. Dani,

    You are truly an anointed blessing from God and I hear His Voice and feel His presence when I listen to you speak.

    You’re right – you exposed my flaws and weaknesses, my excuses – you put a mirror to my soul. God bless you for that. I now know what I need to change, and I’m ready to step up.

  27. Dani exposed a cold hard truth. You can’t hide from it, dance around it, cry about it or make excuses, IT IS A FACT. You’re either think and act like a 98 percenter or you rise above all the garbage and become a winner like the other 2 percent. She put that challenge out there for everyone tonight! I have chosen 2 percent and there is no turning back…EVER!!!

  28. Dani, I totally opened my ears and heard you talking to me about my excuses on tonights call! This call was so powerful it brought me to tears because you absolutely put the mirror up close and personal to my face.
    I’ve heard several of those excuses come into my own mind and hold me back from my full potential. I have invested in things that are not business building and then wonder why I’m not further along in my business goals…
    NO MORE!
    I plan to take control this year and leave the excuses behind and step up to the 2%.
    Thank you so much Dani

  29. Dani
    I have my ticket to fly to Melboure to see you on Feb 18th and 19th. I learn so much just by your calls especially the one tonight. I know seeing you in person is going to be a life changing experience. You have made me see a different person when I look in the mirror. Thank you for all that you give to all of us.
    Rebecca Larason in Christchurch New Zealand

  30. Dani and Hans!
    What a great call!~! The result will be a continued focusing of my efforts to becoming a 2%’r. Despite the fatigue of being sick, tomorrow I go to work!!! You guys are really stepping up to the plate with the information you’re teaching us! Thanks! God bless!

  31. I listen every week and one is as valuable as another. Tonight you tugged at my heartstrings, Dani. I am getting more and more relaxed when calling people to speak of my home based business or nutritional products. I take them and they are exceptional but, sometimes I cannot convince the people I speak with. I don’t mind giving of myself and I believe that’s what you are getting at. I hope people do consider me a worthy example, I have nothing in my life that they couldn’t emulate. Tonight you were so good. When I have enough money to get your Script and Supplemental Script books, I will order them with anticipation of forward movement in my endeavor to make a profit. When I want something I can get it. Thank you so much, Dani. May you have peace concerning me. I am learning from you and I would like of course to be in that 2%. I’m not greedy but, I could really use the monies I receive wisely. I’m one of those givers. My prayers are with you and your family.

  32. You ripped into us like a buzzsaw, but I know you did it because you care. I have NEVER heard anything like this in my life and it is GREAT STUFF! I EXPECT to have success because of this.

  33. This call serves as confirmation all the things that I have shared with my team. I know that is my time to set into my greatness. The call was in Divine Order!!! Thank you, Thank you!!! GOD is using a mighty servant so that many may receive what he promised all of us. Thank you Dani for being obedient to GOD’s call on your life. All I can say is that First Steps set me on fire!!! Can’t wait for Creating a Dynasty!!!

  34. A tremendous call by Dani,

    Up until tonight, I was frustrated, with over ten years in Network Marketing
    Part-time and also full-time, I always had trouble getting people to sign up, become distributors or reps even customers. I watched others appear to be succeeding and I was moping along, I spent thousands on DVD’s, CD’s, Web-Sites, Prospect Lists, Trainings, Conventions, Auto-Ships, Becoming a Product of the product. And nothing seemed to be working. I was frozen up to a few months ago with making cold calls to strangers even warm market prospects until recently. I feel a shift in my soul, and I have been in action for weeks, trying it all again, but with this difference, now I have Dani to help me.

    Thanks Dani and the person e-mailing me to be on this call tonight Jan 29 2007.

    Abundance is coming my way, I deserve it, I have earned it, and nothing is ever going to stand in my way again…..

    God Bless Dani and her organization.

  35. Dani~

    Your call tonight really made me angry. I was stomping around my office and when that wasn’t big enough, around the whole house. My husband must have thought I had gone mad!

    I hate it when people point out my flaws and make me face them. I was doing so good until now to hide them, to brush them under the rug and pretend they weren’t there. I am an expert at procrastination.

    I spent all of 2006 saying I wanted freedom from debt, from life the way we are living it and from my own feelings of worthlessness and insecurity.

    Not any more, I am tired of it, I can’t stand it and I am ready to step up in 2007!!!

  36. I didn’t get to hear all of your call yet, but I thought it sounded fantastic! I am learning to step up. No excuses!!

  37. Tonights call was the first Dani Johnson call I have been on. You voiced what I have known in my heart for a very long time. The me I am meant to be has been begging for release. I know what is mine to do NOW!!! I am a 2 percenter. Thank you for your love and passion.

  38. You were on fire Dani!! The call was amazing. I love your passion, you take all my fears away. I thank you for that. I dont know what or where my business would be without your help. Thank you for all you do.

  39. Dani you are so passionate & emotional about your god giving gifts that I am in awe of what you do for all of us.Thanks for the harsh reality & for making me realize that we can do anything we want to as soon as we stop the ignorant procrastination. Excuses are easier than working hard but mine was fear or rejection.I have trained many a bill collector & would say to my trainee’s “Guess what these people dont know you personally so if the reject you it is their problem not yours” Now I have to take my own advice.
    Thanks for bringing me back to reality & for knocking sense into me.The word is NOW! NOW! NOW!

    Many Blessings
    Mary Ann Gutierrez

    Love you too

  40. I am so grateful to have found you. You push people to get off the fence post! I’m still trying to figure out my road block. The only people I’ve found like me are all in other companies! None of those I’ve brought into any company have been willing to do what I do, which is to do whatever it takes. ???? Thank you for following the call on your life to help those of us who desperately need you.

  41. Wow.. this call cut me to the quick. I have had a rough week with 4 sick children and a sick husband… I know that I wasted time… I know that this is OUR year to get a home of our own and out of my in-laws, get out of debt and on the path to financial freedom… I know this because YOU reminded me that God has ordained it for me and my family. THANK YOU. NO more excuses… NO more wasted time. NO more 98% mentality. NO more “we can’t afford this toy or those shoes” to my children. I WILL see you in LA! God Bless you Dani, Hans and your whole organization. This is MY year and I am claiming it in the name of Jesus!

  42. Tonight’s call was awesome!! I was at my 1st First Steps to Success in Dallas and this helped bring back so much of what you taught there. Your energy was felt through the phone so much more than anyone I have ever heard. God has blessed you to bless others!!! Thank you,

    Ron & Jenny

  43. What a powerful, powerful event. It was my first Monday night phone call…having used all the excuses for the previous ones I’d been invited to (mostly, “oh no, I forgot!”). I took notes, my heart beat fast, I listened intently. A lot of what God has already been saying to me was confirmed. My husband is out of town right now, and my boss told me I can’t ever take another Saturday off (having taken one off this month for my grandfather’s funeral), but I’m still planning for my husband and I to attend the First Steps to Success Seminar in Los Angels in March. I already make a lot of money. I want to learn how to help others do the same, and I want the freedom to take a Saturday off to do so. That’s why I’ll be there.

  44. Thank you for your very powerful words of wisdom! I was honestly going to hang up after the first few minutes until you convinced me that I was one of the 2% that will make an investment of my time and money! I will use these words you spoke tonight as I begin building my business! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! This will be “my year of RESULTS, not EXCUSES”!!!!!

  45. I intent to follow this “star” until I reach my goal of $100 thousand a year.
    Thank you for all you have taught me Dani.
    God Bless you.

  46. Dani~

    I have to say I have listened to many Monday night calls, however I have to say this is one of the most impactful calls that really hits home. I only wish I had 1000 people on the call vs. 3. You all continue to amaze me, keep up the awesome work!!

  47. I’m on the call right now and I’m blown away by how powerful this is. This is GOLD. Thank you so much for not being afraid to “go there” and being blunt, upfront and real. What an incredible coach. I completely respect all you do for our team and this beautiful industry. Thank you for drawing the line today.

  48. We just had to say that the Monday night call 1/29, was just awesome! Dani was so on fire and just made everything crystal clear. We thought the last excuses call rocked, but this one is awesome too!
    Thanks for the great tools and for keeping us on the straight and narrow! 🙂
    Monty & Danni

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